This is a story about a robot created by Kacie Kinzer. It's called Tweenbot.
It's a simple constructed 10-inch tall robot made out of cardboard and an engine that makes it move forward.
Its objective is to make it from point A to B. In New York City.
Armed with a little smile on its face and a flag that carries the text of its purpose and journey it is surrendered to the fate of the city and the people it encounters.
Prior to the journey Kacie Kinzer didn't expect the Tweenbot would survive the trip in the urban jungle where it most likely would trip in a pot hole, get stuck under a bench or fall over at the street curb.
Which it also did.
Most people ignored the fallen Tweenbot but every once in awhile it got picked up by strangers that read the message on the flag and sent it along its intended journey.
On its first mission, it took the Tweenbot 42 minutes and the help from 29 people to get from the Northeast to the Southwest Corner of Washington Square Park.
A nice little narrative about random encounters and the helpfulness of strangers in sending a small lost robot along towards its destination.
Awesome! I am gonna give this a try here in California too.
Let us see where robots can be accepted more.
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